How to Set Up the NEMO Wagontop 6P/8P Camping Tent

Tent camping can be one of the most rewarding outdoor activities around, but choosing the right tent is only half the battle. After you’ve picked out your tent, it’s time to set it up and make it your home away from home. As with any large tent, setting up the NEMO Wagontop 6P/8P tent can be a challenge. However, once you know the steps, it isn’t that difficult.

This article will walk you through the steps to set up the NEMO Wagontop 6P/8P camping tent with ease, using photos and detailed text. Hopefully, you’ll be all setup and camping comfy in no time.

What You’ll Need to Set Up the NEMO Wagontop 6P/8P Camping Tent

Before you can set up your NEMO Wagontop 6P/8P camping tent, make sure you have all the necessary items.

• Tent
• Footprint/Tarp (recommended)
• Tent poles
• Stakes
• Guy lines

Lay Out the Tent and Footprint/Tarp

The first step is to lay out the tent and the footprint or tarp on the ground. Make sure you select an area that is clear of debris, sticks, and any other items that could poke through the bottom of the tent. Place the tent directly onto the footprint/tarp, and spread it out so that the entirety of the tent and footprint/tarp is completely flat with no folds or wrinkles. This will help keep your tent from collecting moisture once you have it set up.

Set Up the Tent Poles

The next step is to set up the tent poles. These may be color-coded poles that connect in one of a few different ways (clip, sleeve, etc). Take the poles apart, then assemble them in the shape of your tent, as this will help make attaching the poles to the tent much easier.

Attach the Tent Poles to the Tent

Once you have the poles assembled in the shape of your tent, you will want to attach them to the tent itself. Start with the poles that go down the center of the tent, connecting them to the tent poles. Once these poles are connected, add the additional poles that make up the walls of the tent. This part may take some practice as you’ll need to ensure all the poles are attached correctly and the fabric of the tent is not bunched up.

Stake Out the Tent

Now it’s time to stake out the tent. Make sure that the tent is secure in the ground. You’ll want to use the stakes that came with the tent, as well as any additional guy lines

• Drive the stakes through the loops around the base of the tent and then into the ground.

• Tighten the guy lines to keep the tent secure.

• Once everything is secure, check that all the poles and walls are secure and that there are no wrinkles or bunched fabric.

You’re Done setting up the NEMO Wagontop 6P/8P Camping Tent

And there you have it – your NEMO Wagontop 6P/8P Camping Tent is now set up and ready for you to enjoy! Now all you need to do is kick back, relax, and enjoy a weekend of camping in style and comfort.

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